Schedule for May 17th - 24th, including The Ascension of Our Lord
Monday May 18th, Rogation Day Mass - 2:00 pm, Private Mass, live streamed on Facebook Bible Study at 10:00 AM
Tuesday May 19th, Rogation Day Mass - 2:00 pm, Private Mass, live streamed on Facebook God & Geek at 7:00 PM on Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Wednesday May 20th, Rogation Day Mass - 5:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook
Thursday May 21st, The Ascension of the Lord Mass - 5:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook
Friday May 22nd, Ascensiontide Feria Our Friday Bible Study has been merged into the Monday section Mass - 5:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook
Saturday May 23rd Confessions - 3:30 to 4:30 PM at St. Margaret Mary
Sunday, May 24th, the Seventh Sunday of Easter Mass - 3:00 PM, Public mass at St. Martin of Tours, live streamed on Facebook
Please read our procedures and practices for resuming Public Masses before joining us.
All online masses are live streamed via Facebook
Discussion groups will meet via Zoom (password information included in our emails)